
2021 Annual Conference Sponsorship

  • 3 Aug 2021
  • 6 Aug 2021
  • Fort Lauderdale - Marriott - 3030 Holiday Drive


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Includes 5 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for your entire organization and an exhibit booth
  • Includes 4 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth
  • Includes 3 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth
  • Includes 1 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth
  • Includes 1 in-person registration or 3 virtual attendances

Registration is closed


$10,000 Sunshine Includes 5 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for your entire organization and an exhibit booth

$7,500 Beachcomber Includes 4 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth

$5,000 Saltwater Includes 3 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth

$3,000 Boardwalk Includes 1 in-person registrations and virtual ‘all in’ registration for the entire organization and an exhibit booth

$1,500 Tidepool Includes 1 in-person registration or 3 virtual attendances